As U.S. Death Toll Hits 15,000, Trump Boasts About TV Ratings for Coronavirus Press Briefings
Shortly after the U.S. death toll from coronavirus surpassed 15,000, President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday afternoon to attack the Wall Street Journal over an editorial criticizing his daily press briefings.
The Wall Street Journal always “forgets” to mention that the ratings for the White House Press Briefings are “through the roof” (Monday Night Football, Bachelor Finale, according to @nytimes) & is only way for me to escape the Fake News & get my views across. WSJ is Fake News!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 9, 2020
“The Wall Street Journal always ‘forgets’ to mention that the ratings for the White House Press Briefings are ‘through the roof’ (Monday Night Football, Bachelor Finale, according to @nytimes) & is only way for me to escape the Fake News & get my views across. WSJ is Fake News!” Trump wrote.
The editorial, titled “Trump’s Wasted Briefings,” accused the president of making the briefings about himself — and that bit of irony was not lost on the New York Times‘ Maggie Haberman.
“I’m getting good rstings therefore it’s praiseworthy” is in fact confirmation of what the WSJ wrote about how potus sees the briefings
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) April 9, 2020
“‘I’m getting good ratings therefore it’s praiseworthy’ is in fact confirmation of what the WSJ wrote about how potus sees the briefings,” Haberman wrote in response to Trump’s tweet.
More reactions below.
What the fuck is wrong with you Trump???? People are fucking dying and your narcissistic ass is worried about your ratings??? Seriously??
— Brody Levesque (@BrodyLevesque) April 9, 2020
At least one in ten American workers is unemployed and the death toll is about to pass 15,000.
— Matt Ford (@fordm) April 9, 2020
Such a telling tweet. The daily briefings are about “my views.” Shaping a political narrative, not providing public risk communication amidst a crisis.
— Jeremy INVEST IN PUBLIC HEALTH Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) April 9, 2020
“My views” – not condolences, or critical information.
— Jackson Proskow (@JProskowGlobal) April 9, 2020
Trump calls Murdoch’s WSJ “fake news” about an hour after Murdoch’s Fox runs a segment on its editorial.
Left, Fox’s The Daily Briefing, 2:42 p.m.
Right, Trump, 3:35 p.m.— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) April 9, 2020
In his world: Ratings = good
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) April 9, 2020
Tweets like this would embarrass Republicans if they were capable of shame. But they’re not, obviously.
— Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) April 9, 2020
Dear Cable News Outlets: You are being used by the president. Stop covering his press briefings.
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) April 9, 2020
Glad the 16,000+ dead Americans could get you some good ratings.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) April 9, 2020
One in ten Americans is unemployed and the death toll is about five times the number of people killed on 9/11. But you really must look on the bright side, which is that, at a time when millions of people are trapped in their homes by the plague, the president’s ratings are high.
— Adam Serwer
(@AdamSerwer) April 9, 2020
Trump just boasted about his ratings again. He’s deranged But, @kerryeleveld explains his polls numbers are tanking. So he’s on TV more but “one of the most damning data points to emerge in these polls is that people don’t think Trump is pulling out all the stops to save lives”
— Joe Sudbay (@JoeSudbay) April 9, 2020
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As U.S. Death Toll Hits 15,000, Trump Boasts About TV Ratings for Coronavirus Press Briefings
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