Armando S: Catch Up in the Morning After 7 Am Est

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Thank you for the lovely evening guys ,i will be online early in the morning after 7 AM EST so come look me up and i will give you a great time to remember all day at work.Enjoy reading this and sweet dreams tonight,see you all in the morning.i used to travel a lot with the planes.I think I must have spent most of the flight with my eyes glued to theaircraft window. Initially it was the green of the land, then it was theblue of the sky above us and the fluffy white clouds below. We climbed to35,000 ft. according to the captain, and I was amazed at the clarity of theatmosphere. I could see the ripples on the water below; only, if they wereripples to me they were probably big waves down there. I was going home toEngland with a promise from the Foreign Office that I needn’t worry, Iwould be taken care of and everything would be fine. Yeah, yeah, exceptthat I had lost the most important four years of my life.For the past four years I had looked at the bare walls of my six foot byeight foot cell for 23 hours every day, no windows, no decoration of anykind. For one magical hour, I was allowed to walk round an exerciseyard. That was just four grey walls, but above me the blue of a Vietnamesesky, or, during the monsoons, overcast and raining, but sky, the realworld. Sometimes my hour would coincide with other prisoners and I got totalk to other people, but that was usually quite stilted because of thelanguage barrier, and those days were few and far between. The rest of my23 hours, I exercised and I meditated, interspersed with the odd guardcoming in to take advantage of my body, but even this human contact waswelcome in place of the complete loneliness. The diet was poor, but I wasdetermined to keep as fit as I could so that if I was ever freed I wouldjust need to replace weight, turning it into muscle straight away out ofhabit.

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