Applause Rings Out as Marriage Equality Advances in Ireland: VIDEO

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Applause Rings Out as Marriage Equality Advances in Ireland: VIDEO

marriage equality ireland

Frances_Fitzgerald_2014Applause broke out in Ireland’s government buildings yesterday as the Marriage Equality Bill passed all stages, reports RTE.

The legislation makes Ireland the first country in the world to bring in same-sex marriage by popular vote.

Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald (right) said:

“This is a day to thank the people of Ireland for their vote on May 22nd.

“I am very privileged to be here today. This is an important step towards the enactment of the bill and I look forward to bringing this bill to the Seanad [the upper house of the Irish legislature] very soon and enacting this bill in the next few weeks.”

Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald said “this is a moment of joy in this chamber” while Fianna Fáil’s Robert Troy added it was a “momentous day on our journey towards a more equal republic”.

Noting that the current system only allows same-sex couples to marry from 9-5pm on weekdays, former justice minister Alan Shatter said that efforts must be made to ensure gay couples can get married on Saturdays.

Rapturous applause as the Marriage Equality Bill completes all stages in the Dáil. #marref

— Craig Dwyer (@DwyerCraig) October 7, 2015

(Frances Fitzgerald image via Wikimedia)

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Michael Fitzgerald

Applause Rings Out as Marriage Equality Advances in Ireland: VIDEO

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