Antigay Street Preachers Film Themselves Terrorizing Shoppers At Target Stores Across The Nation
Antigay terrorists disguised as street preachers have begun a new trend of filming themselves harassing innocent shoppers at Target stores, yelling at them to “repent” for supporting a store that “allows transtesticles and perverts into the woman’s bathrooms.”
Related: Bigoted Target Protesters Smacked Down By Facebook Pranksters
At least three different instances in three different states have been reported this week involving Christian-identifying terrorists screaming up and down the aisles of the discount department store about the its new trans-friendly bathroom policy.
“Target, this is your wake-up call!” one man can be seen yelling in a video. “The Bible says that from the beginning God made the male and female! He didn’t make transvestites!”
“Wicked! Wicked! Wicked!” another man can be heard hollering in a second video. “Rip up your Target card! It’s time to get rid of the rainbow! The rainbow belongs to God!”
Related: This Redneck Just Utterly Destroyed The Target Boycott
“Target allows men to go into a woman’s bathroom!” a third man, dressed in a T-shirt that reads “Repent or Parish,” screams in yet another video. “All the sickos! The psychos! The perverts! The lesbians! The homosexuals! That transgender stuff is garbage!”
So far, at least one of the incidents resulted in an arrest.
Check out these insane videos below.
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