Antigay Senator: Stop Talking About The Naughty Homemade Tape On My State-Issued Computer

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Antigay Senator: Stop Talking About The Naughty Homemade Tape On My State-Issued Computer


Sen. Bill Kintner of Nebraska via Facebook

Well, this is sure embarrassing!

Republican Sen. Bill Kintner of Nebraska is being pressured to resign by members of his own party after a very naughty video of him was discovered on his state-issued computer.

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That’s right, folks, the 55-year-old anti-LGBTQ “family values” politician who opposes both gay marriage and gay adoption allegedly used his taxpayer funded computer to store homemade videos.

The investigation into Kintner’s extracurricular online activities has been quietly going on for about a year now. It all started when the senator contacted Nebraska State Patrol about “what he believed to be a potential internet scam that occurred while the senator was in Massachusetts using his state computer,” officials said.

While authorities were investigating that, they discovered his questionable video. Investigators have not said exactly what was on of the it other than to say it was a “sexually explicit video involving Kintner.”


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Now, Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts is calling on Kintner to resign. In a statement, he said: “Due to the ongoing investigation of this issue, I have been unable to say anything publicly. If the allegations are true, Senator Kintner needs to resign.”

This afternoon Kintner issued the following statement on his official Facebook page:

Related: Here’s What It’s Like To Have Your Private Videos Leaked Online

h/t: Raw Story

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