Antigay “Religious Freedom” Fighter Bobby Jindal Now Thinks The Religious Westboro Baptist Church Is “Morally Reprehensible”

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Antigay “Religious Freedom” Fighter Bobby Jindal Now Thinks The Religious Westboro Baptist Church Is “Morally Reprehensible”

maxresdefaultLouisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, otherwise known as the creepy uncle of the antigay “religious freedom” movement, has a message for members of the Westboro Baptist Church: You cannot use your religion to justify picketing the funerals of the victims from last week’s shooting in Lafayette.

Jindal instructed state police to “take swift and immediate action” to prevent disruptions of the memorial services of 21-year-old Mayci Breaux and 33-year-old Jillian Johnson. The announcement came one day after members of the Westboro Baptist Church said they planned exercise their “religious freedom” by picketing the women’s funerals.

Related: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Calls Antigay Religious Freedom Laws “Common Sense”

Of course, it’s easy for Jindal to take stand against a hate group like the Westboro Baptist Church, which is loathed by pretty much everyone, even those on the far-right (mostly for making a mockery of antigay views). And we can’t ignore the major inconsistencies in Jindal’s message here. When it comes to “religious freedom,” the governor draws the line at protesting people’s funerals, which, BTW, is totally protected speech, no matter how vile.

Discriminating against LGBT people, however, is totally fine.

Sorry, Bobby, no cigar.

Related: The Best Responses To Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Antigay Executive Order (So Far)

Graham Gremore

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