Anti-Gay Preacher Assaulted With Baseball Bat Outside Arizona High School: VIDEO

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Anti-Gay Preacher Assaulted With Baseball Bat Outside Arizona High School: VIDEO

Brother Dean Saxton Glendale Arizona

An anti-gay Arizona street preacher required hospital treatment after he was hit over the head with a baseball bat by an offended student.

Dean Saxton was hollering homophobic abuse outside Apollo High School when Tabitha Brubaker (19) attacked the Glendale preacher.

liberals, LGBTQ, Feminists Muslims promote the idea of killing people you disagree with. They preach tolerance but have none.

— Brother Dean (@brodeanIV) May 29, 2016

According to Raw Story, Saxton was heard yelling “The Bible says it’s not okay to be gay. You need to stop doing naughty, nasty things, Apollo High School. You need to stop looking up naughty, nasty things on the Internet.” He was also seen holding sign reading “You deserve to be raped.”

In a video recorded by Saxton, he is approached by students and staff regarding his comments. Saxton accuses one teacher of trying to influence students to which she replies:

“I’m trying to influence the fact that you need to be gone. I think you’re a disgrace to Christianity. Why don’t you go and preach it to somebody who really wants to hear your message, like Westboro Baptist Church?”

As another adult approaches Saxton asking him to leave, the preacher is hit over the head.

Glendale, Arizona preacher Brother Dean Saxton makes it a habit to stand outside local high schools and loudly…

— Aaron San Diego (@AHizz) May 28, 2016

Brubaker was charged with felony assault and possession of marijuana.

RELATED: Arizona Community Split on LGBT Anti-Discrimination Proposal: VIDEO

Watch Saxton’s video below. The assault takes place around the 17-minute mark.

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