American Horror Story: Freak Show Provides A Unique Gay History Lesson, Says Star Denis O’Hare

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American Horror Story: Freak Show Provides A Unique Gay History Lesson, Says Star Denis O’Hare

2fd2f2f0-51af-0132-0b49-0eae5eefacd9I think what’s so great about Ryan and Brad and the team of writers is that they’re never content to simply write about one thing. They’re always using the occasion to raise awareness or consciousness. And certainly this series this year seems to be about physical abnormalities and what we consider to be a freak, or normal, but there are subtler applications.

And one of the subtler applications, of course, is the way that gay people were thought of and treated. And it’s really interesting to see Dell as one expression of that, somebody who’s so deeply closeted that he actually considers hanging himself in the last episode, to someone like Stanley, who just seems to roll with it. It seems to be part of his lifestyle, which is admittedly not a healthy lifestyle; he’s a professional liar, but there is a sense in which he’s a lot more, I guess, at ease with it.

But he’s hiring hustlers to basically fulfill himself, so that’s certainly not healthy. And he doesn’t seem to be in any kind of healthy relationship, so I think it is pretty amazing to have that snapshot of what it was like to be a gay person in the 1950s. I think it’s really cool.”

Actor Denis O’Hare who plays Stanley, the freak-murdering con artist with the 13″-penis on American Horror Story: Freak Show, discussing the series in an interview with The Examiner


H/t: HuffPo


Jeremy Kinser

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