American Airlines Shuts Down Homophobe On Twitter And Social Media Reacts

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American Airlines Shuts Down Homophobe On Twitter And Social Media Reacts

airlinesWhat started out as a complaint on Twitter about a flight delay turned into a massive shade-fest when Nathan Lorick, the director of evangelism for Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, questioned American Airlines’ use of the rainbow flag in its avatar.

Lorick initially tweeted about flight delays on American, which prompted the air carrier to reply back with an apology along with an assurance that he would be en route to his destination shortly. He followed up with an inquiry about “the rainbow colored image” on American’s profile photo. When the airline clarified that its Twitter avatar was in support of Pride month and the LGBT community, Lorick expressed his disappointment in “a poor choice from a company that certainly has many customers who do not agree with that lifestyle.” Although the tweets are no longer publicly viewable, Samantha Allen captured screenshots of the exchange.

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Lorick AA Tweets 2

American Airline’s response was simple and to the point.

@NathanLorick We’re sorry for your disappointment.

— American Airlines (@AmericanAir) June 15, 2015

There was no further reply from Lorick’s twitter account, but that doesn’t mean other users were at a loss for words. As is usually the case with these types of ignorant displays that take place on social media, people were more than happy to chime in with their own opinions regarding Mr. Lorick’s disappointment, which resulted in some very entertaining tweets.

.@americanair @NathanLorick Thanks for the support, American. Nathan, being gay isn’t a lifestyle. Being vegetarian is a lifestyle. #Educate

— Mark Zustovich (@markzustovich) June 15, 2015

You’re mad at American Airlines for supporting LGBT, yet you have a Coke bottle as your pic? They support LGBT too. Dumby. ???? @NathanLorick

— Cody Draiken (@codydraiken) June 15, 2015

You just got owned, @NathanLorick Thanks @AmericanAir!

— GodsMigraine (@GodsMigraine) June 15, 2015

@NathanLorick I hope they don’t have palm trees where you are going. @AmericanAir is throwing shade!! 😀

— gem-in-eye (@Raggedyfag) June 15, 2015

You’re entitled to your misguided opinion, @NathanLorick, but bigotry isn’t very Christian. Good job, @AmericanAir. ????

— Reverend Crankypants (@SKjelstrom) June 15, 2015

@NathanLorick guess you need to start driving. All airlines support equality. #stayathome

— Barner Go-Jo (@barnerjones) June 15, 2015

But perhaps the best response came from Kerry Quakenbush.

Thx @AmericanAir for the PRIDE support. @NathanLorick – I’m delayed on AA also, but after waiting over 40 yrs for equality, what’s 30 mins?

— Kerry Quakenbush (@kerryquake) June 15, 2015

Lorick has since made his Twitter account private.

If you can’t stand the heat, don’t cook in the kitchen.

Jeremy Kinser

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