Alabama Is Resisting The Civil Rights Movement All Over Again
So is Alabama settled now with marriage, or what? Well, that kinda depends how you look at it.
Last week was probably the single messiest implementation of marriage equality the country’s ever seen. In other states, the first few days of marriage were all smiles and celebrations, but Alabama was all lawsuits and homophobia.
It was 50 years ago this week that Alabama police beat civil rights marchers. In a way, last week’s marriage equality dustup was fitting for the state that violently resisted the civil rights movement back in the ’60s. Of course, being denied a marriage license isn’t quite as bad as being hit with a firehose, tear gassed, and shot, but clearly the south still hasn’t quite come to terms with “all men are created equal.”
The good news is that most of the state seems to have learned its lesson from history, and even if they don’t like the ideas of gays marrying, they understand that it’s probably best to just let it happen. Only a few officials, like Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, are still trying to relive the worst days of resisting equal rights. But he’s a relic, and his stand won’t last long. Nor will his career.
matt baume
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