Airlander 10 Crashes In Cardington Airfield, Bedfordshire, After Coming Loose From Its Moorings

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Airlander 10 Crashes In Cardington Airfield, Bedfordshire, After Coming Loose From Its Moorings

A woman had to be taken to hospital on Saturday after the world’s largest aircraft, Airlander 10, came loose from its moorings.

The aircraft is the length of a football pitch and is part plane, part airship.

It collapsed in Cardington Airfield in Bedfordshire after its hull ripped and deflated at around 9.30am on Saturday.

Officers attending collision involving the

— BCH Road Policing (@roadpoliceBCH) November 18, 2017

HAV said in a statement: “The aircraft was not flying at the time of the incident.

“Our initial assessment is that the aircraft broke free from its mooring mast for reasons that will be investigated.

“The aircraft has a safety system which operates automatically in circumstances of the aircraft breaking free of its mast, and is designed to rip open the hull and deflate the aircraft.

“This is a safety feature to ensure our aircraft minimises any potential damage to its surroundings in these circumstances. The aircraft is now deflated and secure on the edge of the airfield. The fuel and helium inside the Airlander have been made safe.”

Airlander is now safely back in the hangar. Next steps: assess, repair and get it flightworthy again.

— Hybrid Air Vehicles (@AirVehicles) August 26, 2016