The National Organization for Marriage Just Threw Away $117,000

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The National Organization for Marriage Just Threw Away $117,000

north-carolina-flagFrankly, we’re surprised to learn that the National Organization for Marriage even has $117,000 left to throw away on anything. But the facts are these: NOM just gave a huge chunk of cash to support the election of Thom Tillis, a bigot from North Carolina.

Tillis was largely responsible for NC’s now-overturned marriage ban. He’s currently a member of the state House of Representatives, and he’s running for Senate. (The election’s on Tuesday! Tell your friends in NC to vote, and remind them that Kay Hagan supports the freedom to marry!)

Why are we so sure that this money is a waste? Well, even if Tillis wins his election, NOM still doesn’t get anything out of it. Oh sure, their friend gets to hang onto power; and they’ll have defeated a nice lady who believes that gays should be treated equally. But they still won’t be able to stop marriage.

Look, NOM, North Carolina’s marriage ban is gone. For good. It’s over. It’s unconstitutional, the Attorney General hasn’t been willing to defend it since this summer, and no one is going to be able to halt the weddings now that they’ve started. You’re not going to be able to pull a Prop 8 here, since federal courts have already determined that banning marriage for gays is unconstitutional.

We’re used to NOM wasting money on long-shot court cases that they can’t possibly win, like in Oregon. But there’s something particularly pathetic about them wasting money in states where they’ve conclusively lost.

Of course, it’s their money, so they’re free to waste it however they want. We just wouldn’t want to have to explain any of this to their donors.

matt baume

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