Adore Delano And Bianca Del Rio Pop Up In New Starbucks Commercial

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Adore Delano And Bianca Del Rio Pop Up In New Starbucks Commercial

starbucks ad with adore delano and bianca del rioAt first we were having trouble telling if this was an actual for-real Starbucks-sanctioned ad, but all signs seem to indicate that yes, it’s legit! Here’s a super-cute video featuring Adore Delano and Bianca Del Rio that is, amazingly, a real and totally fantastic commercial for Starbucks.

Our natural skepticism got the better of us at first, because it looks a lot like the cute little videos that drag queens make all the time, and not always with permission. After all, the coffee chain has never actually made a commercial targeted specifically to queers.

“Maybe Starbucks has no idea this video was made,” we thought to ourselves, because we are bitter and cynical and do not believe in a world full of magic.

But of course, if RuPaul teaches those girls anything, its to use their fame for lucrative endorsements. So yes, as it turns out, Starbucks is indeed on-board with this video. (Even though as of this writing, they don’t seem to have tweeted about it. Yet.)

The point is, it’s a funny video, the girls are great, and we want to see lots more videos like this one.


matt baume

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