This new study about GHB use among gay and bi men is truly terrifying
BuzzFeed has teamed up with Dispatches, a television program in the U.K., to produce a documentary about the sex drug GHB that will air later this week.
GHB, also known as G, is a popular party drug among gay or bisexual men. The primary reason people take it is because they believe it facilitates “better sex.”
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Over 5,000 GHB users, ranging from teenagers to sixty-somethings, participated in a survey for the documentary.
Of that number, 2,700 identified as gay or bisexual men, making it the largest-ever survey about GHB use among queer men.
Researchers learned that nearly two thirds (62.5 percent) of respondents had suffered “serious problems” ranging from loss of consciousness to sexual assault while on the drug.
One interviewee compared being on GHB to “being dead, but still walking.”
“I know of somebody who was dead on the sofa at a sex party,” the person added. “The party went on for more than a day and nobody bothered to check on him.”
“He’d been dead for two days after a G overdose.”
Here’s some more of what BuzzFeed learned:
- 28 percent of respondents said they had been sexually assaulted (touched without consent, woken up with someone inside them, or raped while they were conscious) while on the drug.
- 82 percent said they knew someone who had been sexual assaulted while on the drug.
- 37 percent of assaults were in view of other people.
- 47 percent of respondents knew or suspected they had been given GHB without their knowledge.
- 18 percent reported being given a deliberate overdose.
- Overdose is so common that many consider it a “rite of passage.”
- Several reported contracting STIs, including HIV, while on the drug.
- More than a quarter of respondents said they knew someone who had died from the drug.
“It’s like a roulette wheel of death,” another person told researcher. “We need to get the message out how dangerous this stuff is.”
Dispatches: Sex, Drugs and Murder will air on the U.K.’s Channel 4 this Sunday at 11 p.m.
Related: Man recounts violent sexual assault after waking up from an overdose at a party
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