Kentucky principal who banned books for “homosexual content” arrested for child smut

In 2009, Todd Wilson — the now 54-year-old former-principal of the Clark County Area Technology Center in Winchester, Kentucky — banned several books from his school because of their “homosexual content.” Now, 10 years later, color us shocked, Wilson has been arrested for allegedly sharing kiddie smut.
Kentucky state troopers claim that Wilson “had about 15 images of child pornography, which resulted in 15 counts of distribution of matter portraying sexual performance by a minor, and another 15 counts of possessing matter portraying sexual performance by a minor,” according to Newsweek.
He’s now being held on $25,000 bail in the Clark County Detention Center.
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Back in 2009, Wilson banned books like “Lessons From a Dead Girl by Jo Knowles (which features two young girls who kiss and touch each other while playing an abusive game of “House”) and Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson (in which a newly buff high school student gets accused of being gay for not wanting to sleep with a girl)” as optional selections offered by one of the English teachers to her students, according to Kentucky School News and Commentary.
Admittedly, Wilson also banned a few other books which didn’t delve into LGBTQ themes, but that doesn’t make his actions any less hostile to LGBTQ kids who could’ve benefit from reading any depictions of same-sex attraction, even complicated ones.
The books he banned also delved into other important topics like alcoholism, hypocrisy, suicide and manipulation by adults — all important themes that you won’t always find in classics like Beowulf.
While the banned books remained available in the school library and the school’s Moo Moo Book Club, far fewer students found them there than they would have had they been suggested for class reading.
The Montgomery County High School administration, the local school board and district superintendent supported the banning and are now working with authorities in their case against Wilson.
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