‘Highlights’ Magazine Denounces Trump’s Child Detention Centers with Blistering ‘Statement About Human Decency’

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‘Highlights’ Magazine Denounces Trump’s Child Detention Centers with Blistering ‘Statement About Human Decency’

The CEO of popular children’s magazine Highlights has issued a statement denouncing Trump’s child detention centers following reports of horrific conditions at the facilities for migrant children.

At Highlights, our core belief is that children are the world’s most important people. In light of the reports of the living conditions of detained children & threats of further deportation & family separation, here is a statement from our CEO Kent Johnson. #KeepFamiliesTogether pic.twitter.com/CNF5LTv4az

— Highlights (@Highlights) June 25, 2019

Said Kent Johnson: “As a company that helps children become their best selves — curious, creative, caring, and confident — we want kids to understand the importance of having moral courage. Moral courage means standing up for what we believe is right, honest, and ethical — even when it is hard. Our company’s core believe, stated each month in Highlights magazine, is that ‘Children are the world’s most important people.’ That is a believe about ALL children. With this core believe in our minds and hearts, we denounce the practice of separating immigrant children from their families and urge our government to cease this activity, which is unconscionable and causes irreparable damage to young lives.”

“This is not a political statement about immigration policy,” added Johnson. “This is a statement about human decency, plain and simple. This is a plea for recognition that these are not simply the children of strangers for whom others are accountable. This is an appeal to elevate the inalienable right of all children to feel safe and to have the opportunity to become their best selves. We invite you — regardless of your political leanings — to join us in speaking out against family separation and to call for more humane treatment of immigrant children currently being help in detention facilities,” he urged. “Write, call, or email your government representatives. Let our children draw strength and inspiration from our collective display of moral courage. They are watching”

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‘Highlights’ Magazine Denounces Trump’s Child Detention Centers with Blistering ‘Statement About Human Decency’

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