News: Poltergeist, Glenn Close, Political Names, Jude Law, Ebola Czar

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News: Poltergeist, Glenn Close, Political Names, Jude Law, Ebola Czar

Road ABC News/Washington Post poll finds 51% of residents in the 11 states that have allowed gay marriage since the Supreme Court’s action last week are in favor of the decision. 

MaloneRoad Charlie Sheen and former porn star/fiancee Brett Rossi have called it quits.

Road Has Hunger Games star Jena Malone been cast as a female Robin in the upcoming Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice?  

Road A group of 25 Senators have written a letter to President Obama urging him to create a special diplomatic envoy to advocate for LGBT people across the globe. 

Road A Texas hospital worker who “may have’ handled lab specimens from Ebola has been quarantined on a Carnival cruise ship in the Caribbean. 

Road Aaron Paul reunites with the Breaking Bad meth trailer. 

Road LGBT supporters in Chile are rallying behind three liberal Catholic priests under investigation for speaking out in favor of gay rights and abortion. 

PoltergeistRoad Poltergeist is getting a PG-13 reboot/sequel.

Road Shirtless male model twins Jordan and Zac Stenmark show off their perfect physique for Calvin Klein.

Road The most conservative and liberal first names in America – find out where your name falls on the spectrum

Road Jude Law has kid no. 5 on the way

Road Glenn Close on growing up in a religious cult: “You basically weren’t allowed to do anything, or you were made to feel guilty about any unnatural desire. If you talk to anybody who was in a group that basically dictates how you’re supposed to live and what you’re supposed to say and how you’re supposed to feel, from the time you’re 7 till the time you’re 22, it has a profound impact on you.”

TwitterRoad Trapped tourist uses Twitter to escape from locked bookstore in London. 

Road Obama has named Ron Klain as his “Ebola czar.” Klain previously served as chief of staff for both Joe Biden and Al Gore.

Road How marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington is making the world a better place

Road CommonWealth profiles Massachusetts State Senator Stan Rosenberg – the first openly gay member to lead the state Senate. 

Kyler Geoffroy

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