Court Date Set for Lawsuit Demanding Immediate Marriage for Gay Couples in Wyoming

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Court Date Set for Lawsuit Demanding Immediate Marriage for Gay Couples in Wyoming

Yesterday we reported that a federal lawsuit had been filed in Wyoming demanding immediate compliance with the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling establishing that a state’s refusal to allow same-sex couples to marry violates the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

WyomingThings are moving quickly. A court date has been set for Thursday, October 16, Wyoming Unites reports:

Coming on the heels of a new Wyoming marriage case filed in federal court on Tuesday, today, U.S. District Court Judge Scott W. Skavdahl of the District of Wyoming announced that he will hold a hearing on the case on Thursday, October 16th…

…Two of the cases that were before the case—Utah’s and Oklahoma’s-—had previously had pro-marriage rulings at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, which also has jurisdiction over Wyoming. The plaintiffs in the case argue that since precedent has already been set by the 10th Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review either ruling, Wyoming’s marriage ban is in clear violation of the 10th Circuit ruling.

The four couples who filed the case each want to marry in Wyoming or want their marriage recognized in the state they call home. Now that their case has been scheduled for a hearing next Thursday, it is expected that a ruling on Wyoming’s marriage ban could come on or shortly after next week’s hearing.

A rally is planned in Casper at 11 am the day before the hearing.

Andy Towle

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