Seth Meyers Destroys the Dumbest GOP Congressman on the House Oversight Committee: WATCH

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Seth Meyers Destroys the Dumbest GOP Congressman on the House Oversight Committee: WATCH

As part of a lengthy Closer Look on Thursday night, Seth Meyers destroyed what Rolling Stone this week called “the dumbest moment in Congressional history.”

“Republicans in Congress keep trying to defend Trump from Democrats but their efforts keep falling flat, and the dumbest example of that came this week during a hearing on Trump’s climate policies,” explained Meyers.

At that hearing, former Secretary of State John Kerry and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) had an exchange that prompted the most face-palmingly idiotic assertion by a GOP congressman we’ve seen this year (and we’ve seen a lot).

Said Meyers: “[Massie] tried to question Kerry’s credentials, specifically his college degree. Kerry has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a common degree that lots of people have, and yet Massie thought it was some kind of brilliant gotcha to point that out, resulting in one of the dumbest lines of questioning in the history of American politics.”

“Said Massie: “It sounds like you’re questioning the credentials of the president’s advisers currently, but I don’t think we should question your credentials today. Isn’t it true you have a science degree from Yale?”

Replied Kerry: “Bachelor of Arts degree.”

“Is it a political science degree?” asked Massie.

“Yes, political science,” replied Kerry.

Asked Massie: “So, how do you get a Bachelor of Arts in a science?”

Explained Kerry: “Well, it’s a liberal arts education and degree… it’s a Bachelor…,”

Asserted Massie: “OK, so it’s not really science. So, I think it’s somewhat appropriate that someone with a pseudoscience degree is here pushing pseudoscience in front of our committee today.”

Kerry, after a pause of stunned silence: “Are you serious? I mean, this is really a serious happening here?”

“It is,” nodded Meyers, grinning. “Unfortunately, I’m sorry to say, it is a serious happening. And that is the perfect phrasing, because this whole Trump era feels like a horror movie called A Serious Happening. This is an actual member of Congress who can’t wrap his head around the fact that you can get a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science! Despite the fact that he himself has a degree from MIT!”

“I mean, why stop there, Massie? ‘Senator Kerry, you’re a married man, correct? Then please explain to us how you could possibly have a ‘bachelor’s’ degree?’”

Here’s a lengthier clip of the Kerry-Massie exchange if you’d like to watch again.

The post Seth Meyers Destroys the Dumbest GOP Congressman on the House Oversight Committee: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Seth Meyers Destroys the Dumbest GOP Congressman on the House Oversight Committee: WATCH

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