Rosamund Pike Tells Seth Meyers What It's Like To Have Sex with Neil Patrick Harris: VIDEO

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Rosamund Pike Tells Seth Meyers What It's Like To Have Sex with Neil Patrick Harris: VIDEO


Rosamund Pike, one of the stars of David Fincher’s latest thriller Gone Girl, sat down with Seth Meyers to promote the movie and shared what it’s like filming a sex scene with co-star Neil Patrick Harris. Before she dished, Meyers provided clear instructions: “Don’t leave a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g out.” The actual filming of the scene was “remarkably normal”, according to Pike. However, Fincher asked the two to rehearse the scene for two hours. Alone. On a soundstage. As Pike put it, “You are alone with a man who is not your husband, who also has a husband.” 

Watch as Pike explains the experience of getting up close and personal with NPH, AFTER THE JUMP…

Sean Mandell

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