Trump Administration Issues 100th Attack on LGBTQ Americans

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Trump Administration Issues 100th Attack on LGBTQ Americans

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson refuses to reinstate housing protections for LGBTQ Americans

All 100 anti-LGBTQ attacks by the Trump Administration can be found at

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, today slammed President Trump and his administration for refusing to reinstate essential housing protections for LGBTQ Americans across the nation, marking the 100th time the Trump Administration has targeted the community since the president took office in 2017. 

In what The Advocate called a “testy” exchange during a House Appropriations hearing this week, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson refused to acknowledge that a simplification of housing guidelines (removing LGBTQ Americans as a protected class) actually targeted and prevented LGBTQ Americans, specifically transgender Americans, who wish to attain quality housing opportunities – including shelters for the homeless. 

“There is a systematic and sinister erasing of LGBTQ protections and policies happening at the hands of this Administration,’” said Zeke Stokes, Chief Programs Officer at GLAAD. “Now more than ever, it’s vital LGBTQ Americans and marginalized communities raise their voices and tell their stories. The LGBTQ community will not go into hiding, and we will not be silenced.”

The Trump Administration’s refusal to reestablish LGBTQ Americans as a protected class for housing guidelines marks the 100th time the Trump Administration has attacked the LGBTQ community in policy or rhetoric. Previously, the president or his administration have banned transgender Americans from serving in the nation’s armed services or refused to condemn horrific anti-LGBTQ attacks worldwide. To see the entire list of attacks on Trump’s attacks on LGBTQ Americans and for more information on GLAAD’s Trump Accountability Project, go to


April 5, 2019

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