A Melbourne Gay Couple’s Thoughts on Being Supporters of DaddyHunt

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A Melbourne Gay Couple’s Thoughts on Being Supporters of DaddyHunt

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We have been paying DaddyHunt customers for about eight months. After an absence of around four years we returned to DH, as the national app we’d previously had been paying through the nose for, had proven an expensive waste of time.

As a committed, longtime male couple seeking a significant younger other, optimistically we became paying “supporters” of DaddyHunt.com, trusting in its advertising that there are young men in our country who are genuinely interested in a variety of older men.

This may indeed be the case. Even so, at the same time, we wondered whether other people had considered a sizeable number of young gay men (in any country) would be grateful to DaddyHunt for legitimising their ambiguous search for security; just as many older men would be grateful for having validated their “right” to re-connect with youth? All this begged the question where does reality end, and fantasy begin? After all, isn’t the idea of a successful younger and older union a patriarchal wet dream, proselytised by Hollywood over the past century?

In our view, if love is to exist between younger and older men, and be meaningful today, there needs to be a connection. In an age of disposable, disingenuous social media, this may be easier said than done. Which is to say the connection is not something facilitated by dashing-off five-word sentences in haste, messaged once a fortnight. And nor is it assured by either man singularly dedicating himself to produce what the media has insisted is a priceless, “marketable body”.

For inter-generational relationships to work, we believe there needs to be recognition of the frailty and shortcomings – along with the strengths – of individuals. In an organised, mercantile gay economy we accept the vitality and idealism associated with youth; just as we accept the romantic notion of financial security, insight and experience of age. We ask whether it is possible to look beyond these clichés, and see the person.

M & P Melbourne

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