Andrew W.K. Sings 'Sissy That Walk' With RuPaul
Apparently we’re not the only ones who love RuPaul!
The Supermodel of The World stopped by TakePart Live last week while classically trained rock star Andrew W.K. co-hosted, and the singer is apparently a big fan of RuPaul’s music. A one point during the segment Andrew W.K. begins singing the intro of Ru’s hit “Sissy That Walk,” with Ru chiming in towards the end.
Andrew W.K. is a vocal supporter of gay rights. Last year he tweeted out, “If you don’t believe in gay marriage, then don’t marry a gay person. Otherwise, just keep partying and let everyone else keep partying too.” His wife is also Cherrie Lily, an icon within the queer community who just released a video with Cazwell.
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