HRC Takes a Look Back at What We Accomplished in 2018
We at HRC are filled with pride when we think about all that we have accomplished over the past year. We hope you are, too.
We asked more of you than we ever have before, and you delivered – big time.
You helped registered more than 30,000 voters, recruited more than 4,000 volunteers and clocked in thousands more hours for equality. Your efforts helped us elect a record number of women, people of color and LGBTQ candidates up and down the ballot on election night.
States across the country will have more diverse representation than ever before. In 2019, Arizona will have its first openly bisexual United States Senator, Colorado will swear in its first openly gay governor, Kansas will send its first openly lesbian Native American to Congress, while Washingtonians voted to re-elected their first openly LGBTQ govenror.
The new year will usher in a more diverse and accepting House of Representatives and will get us that much closer to finally passing the Equality Act. You have a lot to celebrate for your tireless work to achieving full LGBTQ equality at home, at work and in every community.
Today, HRC is smarter, stronger and more successful because of you and our incredible family of members, supporters and volunteers. You are the backbone of this organization, and we are so grateful for your leadership and support. There are serious challenges to come, and many battles left to wage – but HRC has never been stronger, thanks to you.
As you and your family and friends gather to celebrate the holiday season, please know we are celebrating you.
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