Gordon Klingenschmitt Warns Christians Are Being Forced To 'Worship Sodomy' – VIDEO

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Gordon Klingenschmitt Warns Christians Are Being Forced To 'Worship Sodomy' – VIDEO

Gordon Klingenschmitt

Colorado Republican Gordon Klingenschmitt has warned followers that New York is “literally…banning Christian worship” following a ruling earlier this year that a venue in the state discriminated against a lesbian couple by declining a booking for their wedding, reports Right Wing Watch.

In August, the New York State Division of Human Rights affirmed the state’s Human Rights Law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the case of Melisa and Jennifer McCarthy, a lesbian couple whose 2012 request to marry at an Albany area farm and wedding venue was turned down after owners found out they were a same-sex couple.  

In an email sent last Saturday to members of his Pray In Jesus Name Project, Klingenschmitt, who recently suggested that Colorado Congressman Jared Polis will “join ISIS in beheading Christians,” said that the New York court told the owners of the Liberty Ridge venue that they “cannot worship Christ during a wedding, unless they also worship and participate equally in sodomy in their own home.”

Klingenschmitt continued:

“Christians are fined $13,000 and may no longer celebrate the Christian sacrament of marriage in their own home, unless they also host lesbian weddings. Literally the court is banning Christian worship, saying these Christian farmers cannot worship Christ during a wedding, unless they also worship and participate equally in sodomy in their own home. They are now coming into our homes, and dictating our worship. This unconstitutional policy, to punish Christians (with no religious exemptions) will be law in all 50 states, if ENDA is passed.”

Watch a video from last year in which Klingenschmitt claims that a “demonic spirit of tyranny” is trying to force Christians “at the point of the government sword” to participate in the “sin of sodomy,” AFTER THE JUMP…

Jim Redmond


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