#AM_Equality Tipsheet: November 26, 2018

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#AM_Equality Tipsheet: November 26, 2018

TRUMP-PENCE ADMIN REQUESTS WRIT OF CERTIORARI FROM SCOTUS IN CASES CHALLENGING TRANS MILITARY BAN: “The Trump-Pence administration’s desperate desire to discriminate against transgender service members knows no bounds,” said HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride). ‘The administration is in a rush because they know that every day that transgender people continue to enlist and serve with distinction is another day that the courts and the public see this irrational policy for what it is. There is simply no reason to circumvent the traditional judicial process in pursuit of banning qualified, patriotic Americans from serving their country, and we thank Lambda Legal and Outserve-SLDN for their representation in this critical case.” More from Metro Weekly, Advocate and NBC.

The Trump-Pence administration is desperately trying to rush the legal process because with every passing day, the courts and the public continue to see that trans people serve with distinction. We won’t stop fighting until this ban is repealed. t.co/vFYLKcoHns

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) November 24, 2018

SECRETARY PERDUE’S ATTACK ON LGBTQ YOUTH IS INEXCUSABNLE: HRC sent a FOIA request to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in response to news that the Trump-Pence White House and USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue are pressuring the national 4-H youth organization to rescind a policy welcoming LGBTQ participants. “For over a century, the national 4-H youth program has taught tens of millions of children the importance of character and community,” said HRC HRC Senior Vice President, Policy and Political Affairs, JoDee Winterhof. “This latest action by the Trump-Pence Administration is an unnecessary and cruel attack on LGBTQ youth that seeks to destroy community rather than create it.” More from HRC.


Getting this straight:

– Record breaking 14,000 children detained

– Tear gas & rubber bullets fired at children

– ICE detaining record breaking 44,000 in total

– Trump was at his Florida golf club today, marking his 166th day at a Trump golf property since taking office pic.twitter.com/PX3phfw5Dt

— (@RAICESTEXAS) November 26, 2018

MUST WATCH MONDAY — HRC PARTNERS WITH CAST OF “BOY ERASED” TO EXPOSE DANGEROUS “CONVERSION THERAPY”: The film is a biographical drama based on Garrard Conley’s 2016 memoir. It tells the story of Jared Eamons, played by Lucas Hedges, as he struggles to find himself after being forced to take part in the abusive program. More from Advocate.

REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL) WRITES IN THE HILL ABOUT NEED TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST TRANS PEOPLE: “Each of us can make the struggle for a fair, compassionate, accepting society a personal priority,” Demings says. “As a public servant — from social worker, to police chief, to congresswoman — I’ve worked hard to create a better world where all people, no matter their background or situation, can feel safe and accepted.” HRC’s A National Epidemic: Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in America in 2018 found that since the start of the year, at least 22 transgender people have been killed in the U.S. Since January 2013, HRC has documented at least 128 transgender people who were victims of fatal violence; at least 110 were transgender people of color. More from HRC and The Hill.

MUST WATCH: These LGBTQ asylum seekers symbolically held their wedding ceremony at the U.S.-Mexico border. More from AJ Plus.

Central American LGBTQ migrants escaped violence and discrimination and married in Mexico where gay marriage is legal. pic.twitter.com/IDmnk1SIsa

— AJ+ (@ajplus) November 24, 2018

HRC FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES 2019 YOUTH AMBASSADORS: The HRC Foundation’s Youth Well-Being Project is pleased to announce the 2019 class of HRC Youth Ambassadors: Ace Auker; Zimar Batista; Sean Bender-Prouty; Makayla Humphrey; Sameer Jha; Jacob Kanter; Jonathan Leggette; Zoey Luna; Sam Moehlig; Ashton Mota; Seth Owen; Avi Pacheco; Gia Parr; Savannah Skyler; and Nicole Talbot. More from HRC.

.@HRC Foundation welcomes 8 new HRC Youth Ambassadors to the Class of 2019! t.co/D6eCppohoM pic.twitter.com/iyT8rQHrUs

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) November 25, 2018

NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH: This National Adoption Month, HRC sat down with Roddy Biggs, an HRC Foundation Youth Ambassador from Knoxville, Tennessee, to learn about his experiences with foster care and adoption as a young LGBTQ person. More from HRC.


DESPITE REFERENDUM SETBACK ON MARRIAGE EQUALITY, TAIWAN’S CONSTITUTIONAL COURT DECISION REMAINS INTACT: Taiwan’s Constitutional Court has made it clear: loving and committed same-sex couples deserve the same rights and protections that come with marriage. More from Gay Times.

LOVE WINS IN BERMUDA: More from NewNowNext.

#LoveWins! Huge victory for equality in Bermuda!

Court affirms right of same sex couples to marry in spite of governments efforts to stop it. @HRC congratulates plaintiffs and advocates, including @OUTBermuda, and all those who have fought hard for this win.  t.co/aE2qWACxuo

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) November 23, 2018

READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!

HRC interviews filmmaker Jenna Laurenzo about her new movie, “Lez Bomb”; Entertainment Weekly reports that a number from musical “The Prom” featured the first LGBTQ kiss in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade history

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


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