Next Level Bromance: Why These Two Straight Guys Decided To Get Married

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Next Level Bromance: Why These Two Straight Guys Decided To Get Married

matesmarryTwo men are about to wed in New Zealand, which in and of itself is nothing special. Same-sex marriage has been legal there for just over a year. But Travis McIntosh and Matt McCormick will be different than most gay newlyweds because, well, they aren’t gay.

The two straight BFFs are tying the knot as part of a radio contest stunt, earning themselves a free trip to the Rugby World Cup in England.

Naturally, this has gay rights groups in a bit of a tizzy. For those who’ve fought long and hard to earn the right to marry their partners, the irreverence of the contest feels a bit like a slap in the face.

“The point of this competition is that men marrying each other is still something they think is worth having a laugh at …

“Maybe on the day that statistics around mental health for LGBTI people are better, when high schools are safe places for LGBTI youth, we can look back on all this and laugh.

“But competitions like this don’t bring that day any closer,” said LegaliseLove Aotearoa Wellington co-chairman Joseph Habgood.

On the other hand, while the obviously fake (though legally very real) wedding may be making a mockery of the institution of marriage, it does reflect a changing tide of straight guys who aren’t fearful of appearing gay.

“We are not here to insult anyone. We are here to do our own thing and travel our own path.” Mr McIntosh said, adding, “It’s just seeing how far two good mates would go to win a trip to the Rugby World Cup.”

The two met playing rugby when they were 6 years old, and we realize it’s all a big farce but isn’t it also kind of…cute? Just look at them!

They also chose this as their wedding song for goodness sake, and they’ll marry in front of 60 friends and family members, who are reportedly “excited” is are the couple:

via The New Zealand Harold 

Dan Tracer

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