Justin Theroux Explains His Flopping Package On “The Leftovers”

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Justin Theroux Explains His Flopping Package On “The Leftovers”

Screen-Shot-2014-08-25-at-1.55.53-PM-670x418Congratulations to Conan for digging in his heels and asking Justin Theroux the question that’s been on our minds since the premiere of HBO’s The Leftovers.

“There’s a scene where you’re jogging, and [women on my staff] say your package is quite apparent…and I guess it’s a thing that women are talking about…Was there enhancement going on there? Did you put a clock down there?”

Well Conan got it half right. Women may be talking about it, but so are we.

“I’m trying to figure out what the classy way to answer this question,” Justin begins. He stays fairly uncomfortable as he explains that in the second jogging scene — you know, this one — he found two pairs of underwear in his costume. Apparently producers were trying to keep things from moving around too much. Their plan was unsuccessful.

We have more questions for Jennifer Anniston at this point.

Here’s the clip:

Dan Tracer


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