Timothee Chalamet, Miss Vanjie, Putin Summit, Demi Lovato, Chaka Khan, Spoiler Alerts, Anton Krasovsky: HOT LINKS

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Timothee Chalamet, Miss Vanjie, Putin Summit, Demi Lovato, Chaka Khan, Spoiler Alerts, Anton Krasovsky: HOT LINKS
alco zeal

COLLUSION. Date set for Trump-Putin summit: “The Kremlin and the White House are to formally announce the date and location on Thursday. Ushakov says the summit will take place in a third country.”


WHY. Trump voter Not-A-Countess Luann de Lesseps rides in SF Pride Parade.

TRUMP STAFF HIRE. A former State TV executive: “Bill Shine, a former Fox News executive who was close to Roger E. Ailes, the network’s ousted chairman, is expected to be offered the job of White House communications director, according to two people familiar with the decision.”

KYNAN DUTTON. Neo-Nazi arrested at Pride event in Tennessee: ‘A neo-Nazi who was arrested years ago for parading with a rifle through the streets of a tiny North Dakota town, threatening residents alongside white supremacist Craig Cobb, was arrested over the weekend at a Pride event in Tennessee and charged with assault. Kynan Dutton was part of an odd mix of extremists protesting Pridefest in Knoxville, Tennessee, that included members of the neo-Confederate League of the South, a smattering of other white nationalists, as well as handful of Black Hebrew Israelites. Many wore camouflage clothing and bandannas to hide their faces, but their affiliations were nevertheless on public display. ‘

PASSAGES. Michael and Janet’s father Joe Jackson dies of pancreatic cancer at 89: ‘Grandsons Randy Jackson Jr. and Taj Jackson confirmed the news in tweets Wednesday afternoon, writing, “RIP to the king that made everything possible! I love you grandpa” and “Joe was loved by the entire family and our hearts are in pain. Let us grieve.”

SPOILER ALERT. Facebook testing new feature that could keep social media spoiler-free.

MILO YIANNOPOULOS. Advocating for lethal violence against reporters.

I asked Milo Yiannopoulos to comment for a story. His response?

“I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight.”t.co/Ec2d2Kz5zg

— Davis Richardson (@DavisOliverR) June 26, 2018

ANTON KRASOVSKY. The gay man running for mayor of Moscow: “Last month, speaking on independent radio station Echo of Moscow, Krasovsky revealed the news: in September he would run for mayoral election in Moscow, if the authorities allow him to. (He is registered as a candidate but to actually take part in the election he will have to collect signatures of 110 municipal deputies before July 3.)”

DEMI LOVATO. A fundraiser for GLAAD.

TUNISIAPresident Beji Caid Essebsi wants to decriminalize homosexuality. “Among the 230 pages of proposals include scrapping inheritance laws that see women receive only half of what men get. The commission’s preference is to introduce equality between male and female relatives, but leave room for individuals to divide up what they leave behind as they see fit. The proposals also include decriminalising homosexuality and banning anal tests conducted on men suspected of being gay.”

WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. A safe haven for gay immigrants. “From halfway around the world, guided only by an address in a city he had never heard of, Kaweesi made his way to this simple wooden church to find safe haven. In his homeland, Kaweesi had feared being tortured and killed simply because he was gay.”


MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY. Chaka Khan “Like Sugar”.

TRAILER OF THE DAY. Timothee Chalamet and Steve Carell in “Beautiful Boy”.


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Timothee Chalamet, Miss Vanjie, Putin Summit, Demi Lovato, Chaka Khan, Spoiler Alerts, Anton Krasovsky: HOT LINKS

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