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THIS IS WRONG – Eva Artemesia (owner) posted a photo:


E’ con immenso entusiasmo che vi invito al nuovo grande evento di quest’estate: il Pride Festival SL! L’idea nasce da un clima d’odio e intolleranza ingiustiicata che abbiamo tutti visto troppo spesso in sl. Il festival ha infatti l’intento di sensibilizzare la nostra grande e attiva comunità italiana verso le intolleranze e l’omofobia. Il festival avrà luogo dal 27 Giugno al 1 Luglio e sarà ricco di iniziative. Istituiremo anche una raccolta fondi per supportare l’associazione Arcigay Italia, che da anni si batte per i diritti omosessuali e transgender. Sarà possibile donare attraverso le tip jar in land o direttamente sul loro sito. Chi vorrà unirsi al nostro team sarà assolutamente ben accetto perchè c’è ancora tanto da fare e abbiamo bisogno dell’aiuto di tutti! Uniamoci contro le intolleranze, l’omofobia e la paura derivante dall’ignoranza! Visitate il sito per saperne di più e condividete la notizia! <3
It is with immense enthusiasm that I invite you to the new big event of this summer: the Pride Festival SL! The idea stems from a climate of hate and unjust intolerance that we have all seen too often in sl. The festival has in fact the intent to sensitize our great and active Italian community towards intolerances and homophobia. The festival will take place from 27 June to 1 July and will be full of initiatives. We will also set up a fundraiser to support the Arcigay Italia association, which has been fighting for homosexual and transgender rights for years. It will be possible to donate through the tip jar in land or directly on their site. Who wants to join our team will be absolutely welcome because there is still a lot to do and we need everyone’s help! Let’s unite against intolerances, homophobia and fear deriving from ignorance! Visit the website to learn more and share the news! <3 —– The Italian community of Second Life, during these 15 years of virtual platform, has been present in many fields of activity, including design, the fair environment, role play and last but not least artistic events. We Italians are passionate, fighters, lovers of drama; however we always know how to give the best of us, united for a just cause. During my 11 years of Second Life I have explored numerous realities. In some sad case I noticed that some of the progress made by the real society was not reflected in the virtual environment. I have seen too many homophobic attacks, a lot of intolerance and a lack of sensitivity towards a subject as delicate as sexual identity and the freedom of gender. Only the word is scary. What is gender? In Italian it translates as “genere”, sexual one, if we want to be specific. A person, growing up, may not feel in line with the gender of his/her body or may be naturally attracted to people of the same gender. I say naturally because it is, it exists in the animal world and it has always existed in mankind. But why are we terrified of such intimate affairs? Because what we do not know makes us naturally afraid. So here we are, we learn to know ourselves and know the others, the only great way to tolerance. Because we are all human beings, and our sexual choices should not be important in social relationships or in interaction with others. After listening to too many manifestations of hate, I therefore decided to remind Italians of the infinite potential of our positive actions, by setting up a festival, the Pride Festival 2018. The intent of the festival is to sensitize the Italian community about intolerances and violence, verbal or otherwise, towards homosexuals. The festival will last five days, the program will be varied and will bring together a whole series of events: from DJ sets, live concerts, contests, talent shows, photo exhibitions and auctions.
The main focus of the festival will be a fundraising that will be donated to the Arcigay Italia association, which for years has been at the forefront of organizing events and awareness activities.
As you can see there is a lot to do, we will need people who, together with me, will organize programs and events. We will need people who take care of the management of social and website, but also Italian clubs that make available to their DJs or people who organize talent shows. Anyone with ideas for further activities in line with the program will be welcome.
All participants will also be invited to express their support message, which will be published online. We share our experiences, discover and get to know each other. Because only in this way can we defeat homophobia.


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