George Takei Wishes His Accuser ‘Peace’ Following Admission That Sex Assault May Not Have Happened
George Takei released a statement Friday afternoon following a New York Observer investigation which resulted in accuser Scott Brunton admitting that the sexual assault may not have happened.
Takei thanked fans for standing by him, and wished his accuser peace in a statement posted to Facebook: “As many of you know, this has been a very difficult period for myself and my husband Brad as we have dealt with the impact of these accusations, but we are happy to see that this nightmare is finally drawing to a close. As I stated before, I do not remember Mr. Brunton or any of the events he described from forty years ago, but I do understand that this was part of a very important national conversation that we as a society must have, painful as it might be. It is in that spirit that I want folks to know, despite what he has put us through, I do not bear Mr. Brunton any ill will, and I wish him peace. Brad and I are especially grateful for the many fans who stood by me throughout this ordeal. Your support kept us going, and we are so immensely thankful for you. –Uncle George”
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George Takei Wishes His Accuser ‘Peace’ Following Admission That Sex Assault May Not Have Happened
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