#AM_Equality Tipsheet: April 12, 2018

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#AM_Equality Tipsheet: April 12, 2018

TODAY — SENATORS URGED TO REJECT ANTI-LGBTQ MIKE POMPEO AS SECSTATE: Pompeo’s attacks on LGBTQ equality are long and well-documented: he opposes marriage equality, and, as a member of Congress, co-sponsored legislation to allow states to not recognize same-sex marriage and to allow businesses and organizations using taxpayer dollars a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people. Equally as troubling, his political career has been funded by anti-LGBTQ hate groups, including the Family Research Council. More from HRC and ABC.

HRC PRESIDENT CHAD GRIFFIN (@CHADHGRIFFIN) ON THE GROUND IN OK FIGHTING DISCRIMINATORY FOSTER CARE & ADOPTION BILL: SB 1140, a license to discriminate in child welfare services bill that passed the Oklahoma Senate, passed out of the House Judiciary Committee yesterday. The bill would make it harder for kids to find foster and adoptive families by allowing child welfare providers  to refuse to work with LGBTQ individuals, same-sex families, or other qualified prospective parents who do not share all the tenets of the provider’s faith. HRC held a press conference with Freedom Oklahoma and other advocates to outline the harms this bill would cause, and to encourage Oklahomans to contact their representatives and voice their opposition to the measure. More from Oklahoma’s News 4.

.@HRC President @ChadHGriffin joins advocates in calling for the #oklege to reject the discriminatory #SB1140. t.co/iAuMqbSWgU pic.twitter.com/zZyWaiHYV8

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 11, 2018

SENATOR DOUG JONES’S (D-AL) CONTINUED SUPPORT OF LGBTQ EQUALITY: During a meeting with the Senate LGBTQ staffers group, Jones affirmed his support of transgender service members, saying, “I think people who are willing to serve and are fit to serve, physically and mentally, they should be allowed to serve. Period.” More from Chris Johnson (@chrisjohnson82) at Washington Blade.

HRC JOINS INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY MARKING HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY: “Today, we honor the millions of lives lost in one of the darkest and most inhumane chapters in all of human history,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “As we remember the more than six million Jews, LGBTQ people, religious and other minorities and people with disabilities murdered and oppressed by the Nazi regime, we must recommit ourselves to standing against anti-Semitism, despotism and bigotry in all of its forms, whether here at home or around the world.” More from HRC.

“HE MAY HAVE LIVED” — A KANSAS CHILD WELFARE ADVOCATE WRITES MOVINGLY ABOUT NEED TO REJECT DISCRIMINATORY BILL: Kansas legislators are considering a measure that could create a license to discriminate for taxpayer-funded child placement agencies to refuse to place children with LGBTQ foster or adoptive parents, single parents or any parents who don’t share all the tenets of the agency’s faith. “When I heard about this bill, my mind went back to that awful, awful night. A child with a future ahead of him was dead because he was not loved for who he was,” writes Lori Ross, CEO of FosterAdopt Connect, about an LGBTQ youth who died by suicide because he was not accepted by his foster family. “I can’t help but think: Had he been placed with a family that looked like the future he wanted — full of love and light — he may have lived.”  More from The Kansas City Star.

If Kansas passes legislation granting child welfare agencies a license to discriminate against LGBTQ prospective parents, those who will suffer the most are the children in need of a loving home. Must-read from @fosteradopt_org CEO Lori Ross: t.co/aXMxetnmC3

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) April 11, 2018

THANKFUL THURSDAY: HRC Foundation and more than 250 guests celebrated the 2018 Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality this week in New York City, honoring 600-plus businesses achieving a perfect score in the 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). The highlight of the event, hosted by Time Warner Inc., was a fireside chat between HRC President Chad Griffin and CNN host Brooke Baldwin about the remarkable progress toward full equality at nation’s largest employers, as well as the ongoing challenges still facing the LGBTQ community. More from HRC.

BUH-BYE PAUL RYAN: Yesterday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced he won’t be seeking re-election. Said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy, “From voting to ban marriage equality in every state to voting against the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, Ryan has stood on the wrong side of history far too many times. Ryan could have used his speakership to move his caucus to reflect the views of the vast majority of Americans who are committed to advancing equality for every American — including LGBTQ people. He didn’t.” More from Washington Blade.

HRC ENDORSES CHRISSY HOULAHAN FOR PENNSYLVANIA’S 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT IN THE U.S. HOUSE: “Chrissy Houlahan will fight for everyday Pennsylvanians and work for an America that values fairness, justice and equality,” said HRC Pennsylvania State Manager Allison Van Kuiken. More from HRC.

TRUMP NOM FOR EEOC GENERAL COUNSEL REFUSES TO SAY IF TITLE VII PROTECTS LGBTQ WORKERS: Sharon Fast Gustafson’s position comes amidst a growing trend of courts across the country — including one last week in Texas and the EEOC itself — ruling that Title VII does indeed protect LGBTQ workers. More from Reuters.

MORNING MUST READ IN THE CHARLOTTE POST: Leslie Robinson, UNC Charlotte’s sexual health coordinator, and Christina Adeleke, NC AIDS Action Network communications and development coordinator, write about the importance of raising HIV and AIDS awareness on college campuses in The Charlotte Post.

SUPPORTING ALL CHILDREN AND ALL FAMILIES IN MARYLAND: HRC’s All Children – All Families program is conducting a two-week training of more than 250 county staff members in Prince George’s County, Maryland. More from HRC.

MAN CHARGED IN MURDER OF PHYLICIA MITCHELL, TRANS WOMAN MURDERED IN OHIO: Gary Sanders has been charged in the February shooting of Mitchell. More from Cleveland.com.

WASHINGTON, DC, HOPING TO QUADRUPLE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON PrEP BY 2020: The District is raising awareness about the HIV-prevention pill through ad campaigns targeting the LGBTQ, Black and Latinx communities. More from NPR.


HRC GLOBAL INNOVATOR PREMIERES LGBTQ PLAY IN PERU: LGBTQ activist, playwright and 2017 HRC Global Innovator, Gabriel de la Cruz Soler (@gabrieldelacruz) premieres his latest theater production “Congreso” this Friday in Lima. More from ElComercio.

INNOVADOR GLOBAL DE HRC ESTRENA OBRA TEATRAL EN PERÚ: El activista LGBTQ, dramaturgo e Innovador Global de HRC 2017, Gabriel de la Cruz Soler (@gabrieldelacruz) estrenará su más reciente producción este viernes en Lima. Más de ElComercio.

READING RAINBOWBookmark now to read on your lunch break!

BuzzFeed’s Teresa Mathew (@_teamat) spends time with New York’s Transgender Boxing Collective; Houston Chronicle reports the Houston Police Department will train all officers on trans competency


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