Frank Stallone Apologizes for Calling David Hogg a ‘Little Bitch’ Who Deserves a ‘Sucker Punch’

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Frank Stallone Apologizes for Calling David Hogg a ‘Little Bitch’ Who Deserves a ‘Sucker Punch’
Frank Stallone

Sylvester Stallone’s younger brother Frank apologized to Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg Sunday morning for calling him a “little bitch” and a “coward” who deserves a “sucker punch.” “To everyone and to David Hogg especially. I want to deeply apologize for my irresponsible words. I would never in a million years wish or promote violence to…

The post Frank Stallone Apologizes for Calling David Hogg a ‘Little Bitch’ Who Deserves a ‘Sucker Punch’ appeared first on Towleroad.

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