Where have you seen our DTF campaign?
We’re redefining DTF across the country — and we’ve found that you are, too
At OkCupid, we know a lot about dating. Dating can be an amazing, butterflies-in-stomach kind of thing. But sometimes dating can be a not-so-amazing kind of thing, thanks to everything from ghosting to use of DTF, a term largely used by men in a derogatory way about women meaning they’re “down to f*ck.” So we decided that in 2018, it’s time to change that; at OkCupid, we’ve made it our mission to help redefine the F in DTF to be whatever the F you want it to be, whether that’s Down to Feel fabulous, Down to Foot the bill, Down to Forget your baggage, or yes, Down to F*ck — if it’s your choice, you’re empowered to make the F whatever you want. And one way we’re doing that is with striking images from famed duo Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari.
Have you seen our DTF campaign IRL? Here are a few places you can find it.

And we’re not the only ones redefining DTF. We’ve seen you redefining it, too—in amazing ways we hadn’t even thought of. Here are some of our favorites:

Find someone who’s down for the same things you are on OkCupid today.
Where have you seen our DTF campaign? was originally published in The OkCupid Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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