Adam Schiff, Bichon Frise, Stormy Daniels, Quinn Norton, Gay Bathhouse, Oprah, Richard Madden: HOT LINKS

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Adam Schiff, Bichon Frise, Stormy Daniels, Quinn Norton, Gay Bathhouse, Oprah, Richard Madden: HOT LINKS

Adam SchiffABUNDANCE. Rep. Adam Schiff says House Intelligence Committee has information not yet public that Trump campaign colluded with Russia and obstructed justice:  “There is certainly an abundance of non-public information that we’ve gathered in the investigation. And I think some of that non-public evidence is evidence on the issue of collusion and some … on the issue of obstruction.”

FLYNN. Here she is, the winner (reigning bitch) of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

I NEED YOU. Here it is – Paris Hilton’s return to music videos.

shithole countriesTHE DRESS. Stormy Daniels says she’ll test her dress for Trump’s DNA. “We’re told Daniels is planning on having the dress forensically tested to search for any DNA that proves she isn’t lying about her tryst with Trump, including samples of skin, hair or … anything.” Says she’s now free to talk: “Sources close to Daniels tell The Blast that her legal team notified President Trump’s legal team, including attorney Michael Cohen, that they are in violation of the agreement they made back in 2016.”

KIM MEYLEMANS. Gay Belgian Olympic skeleton athlete says she’s been threatened by Russian competitors: “I got threats,” Meylemans said this week. “‘It is good that you do not come to Sochi, because homosexuality is like cancer and you are ill.’”

INAUGURATION. White House paid $26 million to event planning firm run by friend of Melania’s: “President Trump’s inaugural committee paid nearly $26 million to an event planning firm started by an adviser to the first lady, Melania Trump, while donating $5 million — less than expected — to charity, according to tax filings released on Thursday.”

Oprah 20202020. Oprah tells 60 Minutes she’s not running for president.

QUINN NORTON. New York Times hires new tech writer, then fires her after homophobic tweets emerge and news of a friendship with a white supremacist.

SOURED. Peter Thiel reportedly leaving Silicon Valley and possibly Facebook’s Board of Directors after relationship with Zuckerberg goes bad: “Thiel, who counts himself among Facebook’s earliest investors, has seen his relationship with Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg become strained following his open support of President Donald Trump, sources told The Journal.”

SEATTLE. Gay bathhouse for sale.

MALAYSIA. Hong Kong pop star says she was denied permission to perform in Malaysia because of her support for gay rights: “Singer Denise Ho, who is openly gay, said Malaysian officials told her promoter that her application to perform in the capital Kuala Lumpur in April was refused due to her support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.”

UN-AIRED SNL SKETCH OF THE DAY. Natalie Portman in “My Little Step Children”.

MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY. Eminem and Ed Sheeran “River”.

DOPPLEGANGER OF THE DAY. Folks see a striking resemblance between Gus Kenworthy and Game of Thrones’ Richard Madden.

Uh-oh @_richardmadden they’re on to us…

— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) February 13, 2018

You guys, @_richardmadden IS @guskenworthy doppelgänger! This is nuts!

— shortlittlekidd (@shortlittlekidd) February 13, 2018

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Adam Schiff, Bichon Frise, Stormy Daniels, Quinn Norton, Gay Bathhouse, Oprah, Richard Madden: HOT LINKS

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