Josh Weed, Gay Mormon Famous for ‘Sexually Robust’ Straight Marriage, Is Divorcing

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Josh Weed, Gay Mormon Famous for ‘Sexually Robust’ Straight Marriage, Is Divorcing
Josh Weed

Josh Weed

Josh Weed, the gay Mormon who in 2012 made national headlines as he set out to prove that a gay man could be happily married to a straight woman and have kids, is divorcing.

In 2012, Weed made this announcement about his marriage:

Some might assume that because I’m married to a woman, I must be bisexual. This would be true if sexual orientation was defined by sexual experience. Heck, if sexual orientation were defined by sexual experience, I would be as straight as the day is long even though I’ve never been turned on by a Victoria’s Secret commercial in my entire life. Sexual orientation is defined by attraction, not by experience. In my case, I am attracted sexually to men. Period. Yet my marriage is wonderful, and Lolly and I have an extremely healthy and robust sex life. How can this be?

Shortly thereafter, there were charges that Weed practiced “ex-gay” therapy, accusations which Weed strongly denied.

I do not practice, nor do I believe in, reparative therapy or change therapy. Quite the opposite, my therapeutic stance is one that favors (but does not depend on) the idea that sexual orientation is immutable.

My therapeutic approach is to meet clients where they are–wherever that might be–and then help them to analyze the goals and aspirations that they have for their own life.

Weed and his wife Lolly were even featured on a Nightline episode championing their foray into the world of married platonic love, announced the divorce in a lengthy blog post which you can read HERE.

KUTV reports:

“Today, we need to let you know that Lolly and I are divorcing,” the blog said this week, after recounting the couple’s accidental rise to the media spotlight when Josh Weed came out as a gay LDS man who was faithful to his church and married to a woman. They were in high demand to explain how they made the seemingly contradictory lifestyles work together.

The couple wrote, together and then individually in the same blog post on Thursday, that they came to understand over time that their deep platonic love was not a substitute for romantic love and that such a relationship is vital to everyone’s happiness.

They explain at length how they came to the realization. Josh Weed said three factors led him to believe this was the case.

Love for the LGBTQ population
Love for himself as a gay person
The death of his mother

Read Weed’s full post here.

The post Josh Weed, Gay Mormon Famous for ‘Sexually Robust’ Straight Marriage, Is Divorcing appeared first on Towleroad.

Josh Weed, Gay Mormon Famous for ‘Sexually Robust’ Straight Marriage, Is Divorcing

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