5 Times Brexiteers Were Guilty Of ’21st Century McCarthyism’

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5 Times Brexiteers Were Guilty Of ’21st Century McCarthyism’


Hard Brexiteers were today accused of a pattern of “21st Century McCarthyism” by the pro-single market campaign Open Britain. 

Government whip Chris Heaton-Harris MP faced a barrage of criticism this week for his letter to vice chancellors requesting a list of academics teaching European studies and information about their syllabus relating to Brexit.

But Open Britain claims the “sinister” behaviour is not an isolated incident. Senior Leave campaigners, such as Andrea Leadsom and Jacob-Rees Mogg, have a recent track record of attacking business and the media for a “lack of patriotism”, or being funded by Brussels. 

James McGrory, Executive Director of Open Britain, said“A letter from a Government Whip to universities asking for lists of academics teaching about Brexit is a sinister development but it follows on from a pattern of behaviour from the Brextremists.

“We are lucky in Britain to live in an open and free society in which academics, journalists and others should be free to teach and speak as they please without being lambasted by Leave campaigners launching a 21st Century McCarthyism.

“There is a clear pattern of politicians in favour of a hard and destructive Brexit attempting to shut down reasoned debate. It is a reflection of the utter bankruptcy of their ideology and their lack of confidence in how Brexit is unfolding.”


Andrea Leadsom 

 be more “patriotic” and “helpful” in their coverage of Brexit negotiations.


Liam Fox 

brand him a “tinpot dictator”.


Nigel Farage 

the BBC of bias over Brexit in March. 


Jacob Rees-Mogg


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