The ‘Daddyhunt’ Serial Returns and There are Suddenly Some Intergenerational Issues: WATCH
Daddyhunt – The Serial returned today with four new episodes dealing with the ins and outs of navigating an intergenerational relationship. And, surprise, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
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So what kinds of things might come up? Does our daddy really have to wake up early or is he just making excuses? Is our cub just not being assertive enough? Are their drinking habits compatible? Can a daddy be comfortable in a PrEP world and can a cub make it in a condom world?
Find out below, along with some witty double entendres about BBQ. and catch their first serial HERE.
Starring Jim Newman, BJ Gruber, David M. Farrington, Michael Snipe Jr & Alan Kelly and Soundtrack by Shirley House. Written and Produced by Ra-ey Saleh & Carl Sandler. Edited and Directed by Ra-ey Saleh.
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