Rachel Maddow’s Disturbing Reminder: Russia’s Trump Operation is Still Likely Underway: WATCH

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Rachel Maddow’s Disturbing Reminder: Russia’s Trump Operation is Still Likely Underway: WATCH

Wikileaks Rachel Maddow

As you know, Rachel Maddow has been on fire lately. Last night’s show was no different.

Maddow pulled together many of the different segments she has done in the past few weeks to point out that Russia’s operation is still likely underway, evidenced by Brexit leader and Trump buddy Nigel Farage’s meeting with Julian Assange in London yesterday.

Said Maddow:

“The Russian government attacked our election. The Russian government was in contact with multiple campaign sources while they were doing it. Russian nemeses in the American government are not faring well since Donald Trump came to power. Is the operation that Russia started during the campaign – is it over? Or are they still running it? Are we still in this now?”

Raw Story reports on the more riveting connections between Trump and Wikileaks pointed out by Maddow:

She noted that just one week after the GOP convention when the party softened their platform on Russia, the first WikiLeaks data dump occurred. At the end of August, Roger Stone tweeted that it would soon be Podesta’s turn. Sure enough, WikiLeaks next dumped Podesta’s hacked emails just hours after the Access Hollywood tape surfaced of Trump saying he could grab women by their genitals. Today it was announced that the FBI has records of Stone communicating with the Russians that were behind the DNC hacks.

More and more Podesta emails dropped and Maddow noted that Russian state television even tweeted that another WikiLeaks release was happening even before it happened.

“You knew it was released even before it was released!” Maddow exclaimed. “How’d you know it was coming? How’d you know it was coming, Russia Today?”

She also noted that Nigel Farage was having dinner with Trump in his hotel in Washington, D.C. two weeks ago, but yesterday, he was at the WikiLeaks headquarters in London right before they gave their big press conference announcing their latest hit against the CIA. Maddow noted that those in the State Department, the FBI and the CIA are not fairing well in Trump’s new administration.


The post Rachel Maddow’s Disturbing Reminder: Russia’s Trump Operation is Still Likely Underway: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Rachel Maddow’s Disturbing Reminder: Russia’s Trump Operation is Still Likely Underway: WATCH

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