Hilarious memes and tweets in response to last night’s epic Oscar flub

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Hilarious memes and tweets in response to last night’s epic Oscar flub

On the off chance that you haven’t yet heard the news, last night’s Oscars ceremony was a combination of super boring, super awkward, and super amazing. Just as the evening was wrapping up, Warren Beaty and Faye Dunaway awarded La La Land Best Picture at the 89th Academy Awards. As the producers were giving their acceptance speech, however, it was revealed that the envelopes had been switched and–oops!–actually Moonlight was the real victor. Naturally, the crowd (and the Internet) went wild. Let’s take a look…

First, there were the shocked expressions of everyone in the room…

Cara da Meryl Streep representando todos nós no momento em que foi apontado o erro no anúncio do #Oscar de Melhor Filme. #Moonlight acabou com o prêmio que chegou a ser anunciado para #LaLaLand. Corre no AdoroCinema que tem notícia explicando a situação, tem a lista completa dos premiados e muito mais. #oscars #Oscar2017 #merylstreep

A post shared by AdoroCinema (@adorocinema) on

#oscar #oscar2017 #moonlight #lalaland #bestpicture

A post shared by Matheus Almeida (@matheuzeraa) on

Then came the tweets…


— Andy Cohen (@Andy) February 27, 2017

Call me Warren Beatty. I can help you get through this! #Oscars

— Steve Harvey (@IAmSteveHarvey) February 27, 2017

warren beatty heard everybody on twitter and set it up so moonlight literally got to take la la lands oscar from their hands

— Matt Bellassai (@MattBellassai) February 27, 2017

Amazing ending. Wish that had happened on Election Day.

— Billy Crystal (@BillyCrystal) February 27, 2017

Big goof, but it’s just an awards show.

It’s not like a racist lunatic lost an election by 3 millon votes but was still President #Oscars

— Andrew Tumilty (@AndrewTumilty) February 27, 2017

BREAKING: Jill Stein raising million$ for #oscars recount. #oscarsfail #envelopegate #AcademyAwards #MondayMorning

— Rick Pamplin (@RickPamplin) February 27, 2017

And then, naturally, came the memes…

Way to go La La Land! #lalaland #oscars #funnymemes #dankmemes #oscars2017 #bestpicture

A post shared by Funny Resumes (@funny_resumes) on

But…but…but…but wait it gets worse. Assuming this photo isn’t doctored….we can’t blame Beatty or Dunaway if that is indeed the envelope they were given. Were there TWO ENVELOPES onstage? I saw Beatty give Dunaway the envelope to read, the “thank yous” happened, then the confusion, then Warren has red envelope in hand that has the proper #Moonlight credits in. Does this mean #Pricewaterhouse accidentally printed a dupe of best actresses envelopes? Because when Stone won she said she kept her envelope saying that she won and there wasn’t a second envelope saying she won. I also wonder if Dre/Em/Busta/Janet/Diddy/RKelly will contest the 99 Grammy Little train that could upset win of all wins now, cause I still refuse to believe we won that war. I need a bottle of #Ovaltine to get the decoder clues or Scooby & em to solve this mystery.

A post shared by Questlove Gomez (@questlove) on

????? #oscars #moonlight

A post shared by Keep It Simple ? (@_unofficially_official_deadass) on

Too funny! #Moonlight #BestPicture #HillaryforAmerica?? #Oscar2017?

A post shared by Keith So’Brien ? (@knsobrien) on

A post shared by Dan’a (@maudelynn) on

#oprah #oscars2017 #oscars #academyawards #bestpicture #moonlight #lalaland

A post shared by Lindsey Melnick Official (@lindseymel14) on

Petty.? I’m glad #Moonlight won because Ryan’s hand on the #LALALand poster is reason enough as to why it should’ve lost!

A post shared by Connie B. That simple… (@simplyconnie) on


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