Michael Flynn Urged Trump Supporters to Lock Hillary Up for Putting Nation’s Security at Risk: WATCH

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Michael Flynn Urged Trump Supporters to Lock Hillary Up for Putting Nation’s Security at Risk: WATCH

Michael Flynn

At the Republican National Convention, Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who resigned last night over potentially treasonous discussions with Russia, urged Republicans to “lock her up.”

Said Flynn, in the video now being recirculated on social media.

“I have called on Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race because she, SHE, put our nation’s security at extremely high risk with her careless use of a private email server.”


General Michael Flynn at the #RNCinCLE. #FlynnResignation
LOCK HIM UP.pic.twitter.com/e38syUtsn5

— Girls Really Rule. (@girlsreallyrule) February 14, 2017

In related news, Donald Trump responded to a national security crisis with North Korea amidst a dinner party at Mar-A-Lago.

The Washington Post writes:

Trump became president, in part, because of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s neglect of information security. During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly called for Clinton to be jailed — and his crowds at rallies often chanted “Lock her up!” — for her use of a private email server to handle government business while she was secretary of state.

Now, Trump is drawing fire from Democrats for his own seemingly loose attitude toward information security. He has continued to use an insecure cellphone, according to the New York Times. He may have left a key to classified information on his desk while visitors were in the Oval Office, according to a tweet from a Democratic senator.

And now, Trump has used his bustling club in Palm Beach, Fla., as a “winter White House,” except that, unlike the actual White House, the club is full of other people.

Mar-A-Lago Trump

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Michael Flynn Urged Trump Supporters to Lock Hillary Up for Putting Nation’s Security at Risk: WATCH

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