Peter Thiel, Bottoms, Ben Carson, Gun Stocks, Brock McGillis, Grindr, HOT LINKS

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Peter Thiel, Bottoms, Ben Carson, Gun Stocks, Brock McGillis, Grindr, HOT LINKS

Mihir SharmaDON’T DESPAIR, LIBERALS: FIGHT. Great piece by Mihir Sharma: “You might never feel as good again as you did a few days ago; because you now understand more fully what your country is. But you will eventually feel better. And if you keep fighting to improve your country, one day your country will return to you.”

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. Journalists fear that could be taken away under Trump: “I am a gay Jewish journalist who loathes Trump with a very public passion. Every week, I receive the emails, the tweets, the private messages: Kike. Faggot. Fucking Jew,” wrote Slate reporter Mark Joseph Stern. “All of us will soon get what we deserve, they tell me. They have guns. They have a plan.”

peter-thielPETER THIEL. His Donald Trump bet paid off: “He won’t be moving to Washington, Mr. Thiel made clear in an interview Wednesday afternoon. He is unlikely to have a formal role. He has no desire to fulfill his youthful dream of joining the United States Supreme Court. But he will have a voice.

NBC NEWS. What we got wrong.

Ben CarsonBEN CARSON. I’ll help repeal and replace Obamacare: “I think the replacement obviously must come first and it must be something that is very appealing and easy to understand. And then, only then, would you dismantle what’s in place,” the retired neurosurgeon said in an interview. Asked if he intends to be involved in designing that plan, Carson said, “Yes, of course.”

PROTEST. Thousands of anti-Trump protesters hit the streets in major cities: “Chanting ‘Not my president!’ and ‘Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Donald Trump has got to go, hey hey,’ New Yorkers marched from Union Square, holding signs and dressed in American flags, to their final destination — the president-elect’s Trump Tower in Midtown. Many also shouted ‘F— Donald Trump!’ and ‘F— the wall’ as they headed toward Trump’s main residence and campaign headquarters in Manhattan.”

reince priebusREINCE PRIEBUS. Chief of staff? “On Wednesday, Priebus was being widely discussed by Trump insiders as a likely candidate for White House chief of staff, though RNC insiders said he would be a shoo-in for an unprecedented fourth consecutive two-year term at the party’s helm, if he wanted it. One cracked that Trump might reward Priebus by nominating him to be ambassador to Greece.”

snl_gunsCONCEAL AND CARRY. Gun stocks plunge: “Shares of Smith & Wesson dropped 15% on Wednesday, while stocks of Sturm Ruger fell by 14% at the close of markets, according to CBS Moneywatch. Politics often affect the stocks’ performances, and financial analysts have noted that Republican victories might hurt Smith & Wesson. A Republican White House and Congress could be “net-negative” for the company because “it eliminates any realistic fear of gun regulation, which has been a major driver of gun sales over the past eight years,” according to a Wedbush Securities analysis cited by the 24/7 Wall St. blog.

grindrGRINDR. Social network adds fields for HIV status, undetectable, and PrEP use: “In a draft blog post provided to announcing the new changes, Jack Harrison-Quintana, director of Grindr for Equality, said that the platform hopes to “create an open dialogue among our users about sexual health. Honesty, compassion, and education lay the foundation to make Grindr an even safer space for guys to connect, and we can all contribute to getting there.” ‘Users won’t be able to filter who they see in the app based on HIV status,’ he noted. ‘Filling out the HIV status field is entirely optional.’”

BEHIND THE SCENES. Cher and Lady Gaga wept backstage at Clinton party.

Lady Gaga is crying backstage, source reports

— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) November 9, 2016

Cher is also backstage crying, source reports

— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) November 9, 2016

Katy Perry was supposed to sing the national anthem at Hillary Clinton victory party. Someone else took her place.

— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) November 9, 2016

NYC. Judge blocks sale of building in battle over gay man’s estate: “On Nov. 1, Judge Nora Anderson issued a temporary restraining against four nieces and nephews of William Cornwell selling the 69 Horatio St. townhouse he bought in 1979. Anderson’s order gave them until Nov. 18 to show cause.’ Cornwell and Doyle began their relationship in 1958. Cornwell bought them wedding rings after New York legalized same-sex marriage in 2011. According to Doyle, Cornwell’s declining health kept them from going to the city Marriage Bureau before Cornwell’s death in 2014.”

Brock McGillisBROCK MCGILLIS. Former semi-pro hockey player comes out: “For years I lived a life full of lies. Growing up in a culture of hockey – minor hockey, the Ontario Hockey League, university hockey, and semi-pro in Europe – I felt I would never be accepted. For years I lived a life of denial, because I am gay. Hockey has always been very homophobic. I can’t count the amount of times I heard phrases like: That’s gay or what a homo in the dressing room over the course of my hockey career. Words like fag, p—y, and b—h are part of the daily banter. Those words are used to belittle players, to weaken and feminize them, because hockey is hyper-masculine, meant for the manliest of men.”

Richard Lusimbo Pride UgandaUGANDA. Key activist in case against Scott Lively to speak in San Francisco: “Richard Lusimbo, 29, is one of the chief witnesses in the case against American anti-gay preacher Scott Lively. He will be interviewed by Peter Teague about the case, Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Scott Lively, and the ongoing influence of American evangelical religious leaders in the African country. He will also speak about the current state of the Ugandan LGBT movement and share personal stories about living openly as a gay man in Uganda at “From Uganda With Love” at San Francisco’s GLBT History Museum Thursday, November 17.”

Bottoming Davey Wavey and Colby MelvinVICE. Why are gay guys convinced the world is full of bottoms? “And so you have it—by lending tops a position of privilege in our gay hierarchies (by remarking upon their supposed rarity, or by accusing each other of being bottoms,) we reinforce the same misogynist and patriarchal tendencies of our straight brethren. All too often, we accuse each other of being bottoms by way of criticizing perceived feminine traits within other gay men. Sure, we do it as a joke, but one with a nasty undertone.”

57 YEARS APART. A man and a boy talk about life.


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Peter Thiel, Bottoms, Ben Carson, Gun Stocks, Brock McGillis, Grindr, HOT LINKS

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