Musician Rayvon Owen’s #NationalComingOutDay #HRCTwitterTakeover

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Musician Rayvon Owen’s #NationalComingOutDay #HRCTwitterTakeover

On Tuesday, Oct. 11, musician Rayvon Owen took over @HRC‘s Twitter account in honor of National Coming Out Day to discuss his brave decision to come out as gay earlier this year. The American Idol finalist came out on Valentine’s Day in a music video for his song “Can’t Fight It,” which was released on Billboard.

“I was given an incredible platform with American Idol and I felt I had a responsibility to do something positive with it, especially if there was a chance that it would help others,” Owen said in an exclusive interview with HRC. “When it came time to storyboard my new music video, the director, not knowing I was gay, presented the idea of a female love interest. At that moment, I knew in my heart that it needed to be a man. Authenticity suddenly became more important to me than hiding who I am.”

Coming out – whether it is as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or allied – matters. When people know someone who is LGBTQ, they are far more likely to support equality under the law. Beyond that, our stories can be powerful to each other.

Here’s what Rayvon had to say in his #NationalComingOutDay #HRCTwitterTakeover:

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