An Active Day in Nevada

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An Active Day in Nevada

HRC staff and volunteers enjoyed a politically engaged day on Tuesday in Nevada. First, HRC joined our progressive partners and Hillary for America for a rally supporting Catherine Cortez Masto, an HRC-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate. Our good friend Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., stopped by the event to remind us that we, as a community, need to volunteer and turn out to vote!

From the rally, we went to phone bank with our LGBTQ community partners, urging Nevadans to listen to Sen. Warren and turn out to vote and volunteer. Saturday, Oct. 8 – just two days from now – is the last day for paper voter registration in Nevada. After Oct. 8, register to vote at

We ended the day with a debate watch party and discussion. Attendees  expressed great concern about the notion of a President Trump in our future. The choice between Trump and Clinton is clear. Only one candidate sees the LGBTQ community worthy of being legally protected and treated with dignity, and that is the candidate we find worthy of the White House.

We had a busy and productive day and we are planning for 32 more days full of elections activities in Nevada and across the country. Learn more about HRC’s Vote Equality 2016 efforts.

HRC is counting on our members and supporters to mobilize and #turnOUT the pro-equality vote in November. HRC members are volunteering thousands of hours for endorsed candidates and are visible at campaign events across Nevada and across the country.  

Steve Amend- HRC Governor and HRC Nevada Elections Captain.

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