Benedict Cumberbatch’s Obsessive Fans Have Some “Scary Behavior”

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Benedict Cumberbatch’s Obsessive Fans Have Some “Scary Behavior”


Okay, Cumberbatch fans. We know it can be hard to let go of a fixation on a pretty face. But please knock it off with the stalking.

In a new Vanity Fair profile, Benedict opens up about the aggressive obsession of some of his fans. Some people believe that his wife and child are fake, something dreamed up by a PR machine to hide the fact that he’s … what? Single? Gay? A big ole slut? The conspiracy theories are boundless.

Here’s what he had to say:

“I think really it’s to do with the idea that the ‘Internet’s boyfriend’ can’t actually belong to anyone else but the Internet. It’s impossible he belongs to anyone but me. And that’s what stalking is. That’s what obsessive, deluded, really scary behavior is.”

Fortunately, most of the attention is relatively harmless. Prior to his interview, he showed the reporter a random tweet from a fan — “Sometimes when I’m sad I picture a shirtless Benedict Cumberbatch slowly eating an apple fritter. Try it!”

The actor seems modest about his appeal. “I don’t look at myself in the mirror and go, ‘Yeah, absolutely! I see what they’re saying!’ I see all my faults and everything that I’ve always seen as my faults.”

But then there’s the darker side of fandom. Last year a lady kept dropping by his home and tying red ribbons on things — she was eventually prohibited from contacting him.

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