Trump Deposition, Rafael Nadal, Lady Gaga, Gary Johnson, Snowboarders, Rosetta: HOT LINKS

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Trump Deposition, Rafael Nadal, Lady Gaga, Gary Johnson, Snowboarders, Rosetta: HOT LINKS

NEVER SAID THAT. New Clinton ad hammers Trump on false debate statements.

Trump snifflesSET FOR RELEASE TODAY. The Trump deposition video: “A video of Donald Trump testifying under oath about his provocative rhetoric about Mexicans and other Latinos is set to go public as soon as Friday, drawing new attention to those comments just weeks before voters cast their ballots in the presidential race.”

MORE CORRUPTION. Trump Foundation not licensed to do business in New York: “Under the laws in New York, where the Donald J. Trump Foundation is based, any charity that solicits more than $25,000 a year from the public must obtain a special kind of registration beforehand. Charities as large as Trump’s must also submit to a rigorous annual audit that asks — among other things — whether the charity spent any money for the personal benefit of its officers.”

hillary clinton orlandoBOUNCE. Clinton leads in three key swing states – Michigan, New Hampshire, and Florida: “Clinton has taken a 7-point lead against Trump in Michigan, with 42 percent of the vote to his 35 percent, according to a Detroit News/WDIV poll. In a two-way match-up that excludes third-party candidates, Clinton still maintains her 7-point advantage. She’s ahead by the same margin in New Hampshire, taking 42 percent of the vote to Trump’s 35 percent, according to a WBUR poll.  And in Florida, Clinton leads Trump by 4 points, 46 percent to 42 percent, according to a Mason-Dixon poll.”

aleppoENDORSEMENTS. Chicago Tribune endorses…Gary Johnson? “We reject the cliche that a citizen who chooses a principled third-party candidate is squandering his or her vote. Look at the number of fed-up Americans telling pollsters they clamor for alternatives to Trump and Clinton. What we’re recommending will appeal less to people who think tactically than to conscientious Americans so infuriated that they want to send a message about the failings of the major parties and their candidates. Put short: We offer this endorsement to encourage voters who want to feel comfortable with their choice. Who want to vote for someone they can admire.”

Bernie Sanders DNCBERNIE BRO. I wrote that I despised Hillary Clinton, and now I take it back: “Secretary Clinton, I’m sorry. And I retract my previous position of hatred and angst towards you. You have made mistakes, some of them grave, and some of them unforgivable. Unfortunately, that comes with decades of life in the public eye, pressure, and microphones in your face. But you have also accomplished far more in your life as a public servant than just about anyone that’s run for this office, and certainly far more than I ever will. When November rolls around, you’ll have my vote.”

Tim MooreNORTH CAROLINA. House Speaker says Charlotte ‘compromise’ would never have led to HB2 repeal:  “House Speaker Tim Moore (R) publicly admitted this week that even in the best case scenario, they were never prepared to repeal all of HB2. They would have always left in the restrictions on which restrooms transgender people can use, even though that’s exactly the provision that has prompted nationwide boycotts by businesses, entertainers, and sports leagues.”

ITALY. Two former nuns legalize their love in civil union. “According to an interview published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa, the women, identified only as Federica and Isabel, are former Franciscan nuns. Isabel is reportedly from South America, while Federica is a native of southern Italy. Driven by their passion to serve others, the two nuns spent time working in a drug rehabilitation center, where they met and slowly fell in love.”

RosettaROSETTA PROBEThe European Space Agency’s most ambitious mission has come to an end, colliding with comet’s surface: “After twelve-and-a-half years in space, the European Space Agency spacecraft finally met the surface of the duck-shaped mass of dust, ice and rock, switched off its transmitters and hung up the phone to its controllers on Earth.”

CUCKOO CLUB. London investment banker punches bouncer and calls him a ‘gay c–t’. “Former Goldman Sachs analyst Mitchell Bayer-Goldman, 24, knocked out security guard Allewyn Tredoux at VIP hangout The Cuckoo Club in London’s Swallow Street last December. Bayer-Goldman refused to pay £500 of a £1,500 bill and after assaulting Mr Tredoux was then dragged to the top floor by bouncers and held until police arrived, Westminster Magistrates heard.”

Investment banker Mitchell Bayer-Goldman punched Mayfair bouncer and called him a ‘gay c***’ > #Lgbt #London

— K. (@Kylens) September 30, 2016

RAFAEL NADAL. The touching moment he stopped a tennis match to help a woman search for her missing daughter: “The mother was in tears and thought she lost her daughter, but the stoppage allowed everyone to focus on the missing child. After she and several fans called out for the girl, she was found and reunited with her mom as both cried.”

SUPER BOWL. Lady Gaga is confirmed for the halftime show.

It’s not an illusion. The rumors are true. This year the SUPER BOWL goes GAGA! @nfl @FOXTV @pepsi #PERFECTILLUSION #GAGASUPERBOWL

— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) September 30, 2016

FBF. In 1985, snowboarders were shunned.


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Trump Deposition, Rafael Nadal, Lady Gaga, Gary Johnson, Snowboarders, Rosetta: HOT LINKS

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