More And More Guys Are Into Gay Chat Roulette

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More And More Guys Are Into Gay Chat Roulette


This just in: Online gay chat roulette is making a comeback. More and more guys have been logging off Grindr and switching on their webcams instead, including Mike Miksche, a writer at Daily XTra.

“A chat roulette is a one-on-one webcam chat where you’re randomly matched with a partner from around the world,” Miksche writes. “If you’re not digging them, you click the ‘Next’ button to get another guy, and this can repeat indefinitely until you find the right one–the possibilities are endless.”

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It’s sort of like a cross between blind dating and cruising in a park late at night, minus the threat of being caught or catching any unwanted STDs. Plus you can chat with anyone, anywhere in the world, all from the convenience of your home.

Miksche says he likes playing online gay chat roulette because it’s “personal but not too personal, and once you’re sick of someone, you just click them away.”

Sounds really great and potentially ego-crushing both at the same time.

The trend has become so popular in recent years that there are now multiple websites dedicated to it. The most popular is probably ChatRandom, which usually has between 15,000 and 20,000 users on the site at any given time and bills itself as “an amazing way to meet men or just kill some time because it’s so easy and fast to connect with other guys from all over the world.”

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Of course, online gay chat roulette also has some drawbacks. It can be addicting, Miksche says. Like, really addicting.

“There are so many men on there that I was getting sucked into this addictive world,” Miksche writes. “I soon found myself jerking off two to three times a day in front of the cam, going through hundreds of men from all corners of the world (though I developed a preference for closeted men from rural Ontario or Quebec).”

Eventually it started affecting his work.

“I started by only logging on during my free time but soon it interfered with my work, since I work from home,” he continues. “Even after I came, I wanted to do it again, never really quenching that thirst. It felt like if I did it just one more time, I’d satisfy whatever it was I was trying to satisfy.”

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Ultimately, however, he was able to get control over his addiction. Now, he calls the whole online gay chat roulette thing a “brave new world of perversion, with all these portholes leading to the largest peep show on earth.”

What do you think? Have you ever played the webcam field? Would you? Sound off in the comments section below…

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