GLAAD launches Snapchat filter to promote acceptance during anti-LGBTQ conference

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GLAAD launches Snapchat filter to promote acceptance during anti-LGBTQ conference


GLAAD launched a Snapchat filter at the 2016 Values Voter Summit this past weekend to stand up against the conference’s anti-LGBTQ activism. 

Among the causes that VVS sessions will advocate for are the reversal of marriage equality, so-called “religious freedom” bills and fighting against LGBTQ-inclusive, nondiscrimination ordinances that would allow people to use bathrooms that align with their gender identities. VVS is organized by the Family Research Council, a conservative group classified as an anti-LGBT hate group in 2010 by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The filter, which read “Our kind of values: Equality Acceptnace Love,” allowed LGBTQ and allied Snapchat users near the conference to accelerate acceptance amongst their own, personal networks.

GLAAD has worked with Snapchat previously, launching a Spirit Day filter with Target last October. Snapchat also stood up for LGBTQ equality when it launched filters on June 26, 2015 in honor of the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized marriage equality nationwide.

Add “glaadmedia” on Snapchat.

September 14, 2016

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