Colin Powell In Hacked Emails: Trump A ‘Racist,’ ‘National Disgrace’

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Colin Powell In Hacked Emails: Trump A ‘Racist,’ ‘National Disgrace’


2016 has proved to be the summer of the male photo leak, no question about it. But in equal measure, the phrase “hacked emails” seems to be popping up as reliably as Justin Bieber’s backside.

This time around it’s the private account of retired four-star general and former Republican secretary of state Colin Powell whose correspondence has been infiltrated, and it doesn’t bode well for Donald Trump.

In emails obtained from and reported on by Buzzfeed, Powell harshly criticizes the Republican presidential nominee, referring to him as a “national disgrace” and an “international pariah,” who engaged in a “racist” movement when he spearheaded a campaign to call President Obama’s birthplace into question.

Powell hasn’t exactly been forgiving to the GOP’s deplorable streak in the past, notably saying in 2013 that, “there’s a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the [Republican Party].” Well, duh.

But while his take on Trump may strike many Queerty readers as analogous to looking up at the sky and declaring, “hey look, it’s blue up there,” for undecided voters or even some Trump supporters, Powell’s opinions could mean something more.

Powell has gone on the record saying he voted for Obama in the last two presidential elections, while at the same time maintaining, “I’m still a Republican.”

Clearly, nominating Trump was not the direction he’d hoped his party would take after Mitt Romney’s two failed bids for the White House.

And how does Powell see the upcoming election turning out? In another one of the hacked emails, he writes, “Trump “is in the process of destroying himself, no need for Dems to attack him.”

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