Anti-Gay Pastor Steven Anderson, Who Celebrated Orlando Pulse Massacre, Banned from Entering South Africa

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Anti-Gay Pastor Steven Anderson, Who Celebrated Orlando Pulse Massacre, Banned from Entering South Africa

steven anderson

Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona has been barred from entering South Africa over anti-gay hate speech, Reuters reports:

South African gay and lesbian groups collected more than 60,000 signatures opposing his visit this weekend, when he was expected to preach and seek converts to his church.

Citing anti-discrimination laws designed to ‘prevent and prohibit hate speech’, Home Affairs minister Malusi Gigaba told a media briefing he was banning Anderson indefinitely.

Anderson celebrated following the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, saying there were “50 less pedophiles in the world.” Anderson has compared gay people to ax murderers and Hitler. And he has said gays should be killed because they’re “filthy faggots” who snatch and rape children.

Wrote Anderson on his Facebook page:

I have been banned from South Africa AND the United Kingdom. I am not even allowed to have a connecting flight in London.

“And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles.” – Acts 18:6

I feel sorry for people who live in South Africa, but thank God we still have a wide open door in Botswana. Stand by for reports of MULTITUDES saved in Botswana, where religious freedom still exists.

The post Anti-Gay Pastor Steven Anderson, Who Celebrated Orlando Pulse Massacre, Banned from Entering South Africa appeared first on Towleroad.

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